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As a member of the National Association of REALTORS®, your state REALTOR association, and your local REALTOR association, you have access to all of the benefits those organizations provide. One of those benefits is accessing the Multiple Listing Service related to their local REALTOR association, so why do some REALTORS choose to belong to more than one association? Mostly, because they believe to have access to the MLS they must be a member of that related association, but this is NOT true. As long as an agent is in good standing at one local REALTOR ® association they can access the MLS systems of any other association by completing an “MLS Only Application”

Effective, July 1, 2018, NAR implemented a policy dubbed “MLS of Choice”. This allows for an agent to join ANY REALTOR-owned MLS without having to belong to that MLS’s association. Per NAR,

This approach gives agents a choice in subscribing to any MLS in which their broker is a participant, and it requires MLSs to only assess Brokers a fee based on their affiliated licensees who choose to subscribe to the MLS.

You can choose to join Greater Southern MLS via any one of our partner associations, the Southwest Louisiana Association of REALTORS, and the Northshore Area Board of REALTORS. Before filling out the application form, check if your brokerage is already a participant of Greater Southern MLS.

By joining Greater Southern MLS, you not only get access to state-wide listing data, but you also get access to the largest set of technology offerings provided by any MLS in Louisiana. You can click here to join Greater Southern MLS for about $1 per day or email our Director of Industry Relations, Steve Hayes with any questions you may have.

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