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Louisiana Brokers have come together to form Greater Southern MLS to give you and your agents an additional opportunity for listing exposure and lead generation for your prospects and clients.

The group now includes brokers from every region in Louisiana who have started to input their active listings. Here’s a list of participating shareholders. And the list is growing daily! These brokers are very excited about the prospect of 1 MLS across the state grows daily. NTREIS, a regional MLS that many of you may belong to, provides you with listing exposure in a broad region including Northwest Louisiana, Dallas and all of North Texas covering 48,000 square miles Similarly, Greater Southern MLS is another regional, covering all 52,000 square miles of Louisiana.

Greater Southern MLS provides valuable and significant ways to help you generate business opportunities. The program includes FREE listing exposure via Homesnap Pro, a terrific tool designed to generate listing exposure and provide a method for agents to speak directly to their prospects and clients through the app while they are searching for a home together. Greater Southern MLS also provides a powerful, FREE method for generating rental leads via Facebook Marketplace. No more having to rely on Zillow for rental leads since they now charge $9.99 per week for rentals promotion.

We also provide NewHomeSource – a search method that provides listing exposure and additional inventory to sell for those looking for new builds. And soon, we will be launching CREXi soon, a nationwide platform that generates leads for commercial properties.

If you would like to provide your agents with additional listing exposure and lead generation opportunities statewide and nationwide, feel free to join us today from one of our two participating associations, SWLAR or NABOR.

The good news is you do NOT have to join an additional Association to be part of Greater Southern MLS. There is an MLS-ONLY subscription available from both organizations.

If you would like to be more actively involved in shaping Greater Southern MLS and would like the option to serve on the Board of Directors, all you have to do, is become a shareholder. The cost is a one-time fee of $500.

To become a participant in Greater Southern MLS, join via the links below:

If you have any questions feel free to email us at


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