Effective October 8, 2024, GSMLS Matrix will include enhancements to Auto Emails, a new modern user interface in several areas of My Matrix, the option to print supplemental documents, improvements to the three-panel search, and more.
Email #
- If an agent sends a listing email from the new search system, Matrix will automatically assign the recipient email address to a contact if there is no other email contact information associated with the contact.
My Matrix – New Modern User Interface (UI) #
Updates have been made to the UI in the following sections:
Auto Emails
Auto Email Filters
Note: The “Goggles” information is now highlighted in orange for better visibility.
My Carts
Saved Searches
Sent Emails
Printing Supplemental documents #
- When printing a single listing from the new search as a PDF, you can choose to include selected/all supplementary listing documents.
Search – Three-Panel Improvements #
- Select a parcel on the map to see a property data Summary
- Quick Criteria Badges — The title area of the search now displays interactive badges of the current search criteria. With quick criteria badges, you can easily navigate to a specific field to edit the criteria or instantly delete an unwanted search term. Click any badge to jump to that field in the criteria form to modify or click the “x” to remove it from the search.
- Click the Expand and Collapse arrow toshrink/expand the badge area if there are more badges than can fit on a single line.
Fixed Issues #
- There were issues with the new listing photo manager when dragging an image to the last slot in the order. This has been fixed.
- The expanded section of an Auto Email screen, which displays recently sent emails, would fail to display any emails if the user had previously sorted or filtered the list. This has been fixed.
- In the three-panel search, some numeric fields that should have been sortable were not. This has been fixed.