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REcenterhub: Updates 03/05/2024

This Greater Southern MLS REcenterhub update includes password changes to increase security, mobile response time and appearance improvements, bulk archival capabilities, bug fixes, and more.

Passwords #

To improve security, REcenterhub will prompt you to you change your MLS password once at some point this year. The password change request will roll out gradually in phases among Greater Southern MLS users throughout 2024. While you may independently change your password at any point (cybersecurity best practices encourage periodic password changes), you will still be prompted by REcenterhub to update your password at some point.

Remember, passwords must:

  • be at least 8 characters
  • contain one uppercase letter
  • contain one lowercase letter
  • contain one number
  • contain a special character (such as !,#,?,%, etc.)
  • be distinct from all your recently used MLS passwords

Mobile Device #

The update includes improved appearance and responsiveness for users accessing REcenterhub on any mobile device.

System Notifications #

Users now have the ability to archive system notifications in bulk. Check multiple boxes next to each item you wish to archive, or use the Select All option.

System and AOR Messages #

Important pop-up messages from Greater Southern MLS or your association will now display, as needed, when logging into the MLS. For additional information, click on the More Information button. After reading message, click the X to close. This message will also appear in your Message Center.

Bug Fixes #

  • Some users would receive a 404 error when selecting System Notifications. This has been fixed.