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Matrix: Updates 08/15/2023

The latest improvements and bug fixes in the Greater Southern MLS Matrix system, effective August 15, 2023, include streamlined Auto Email options, more accurate info in emailed statistics, and a bug fix.

Contacts #

Only labels and values that are relevant to that record will appear in the Auto Emails tab within a contact record. For example:

  • If the Auto Email is Scheduled or set to send ASAP, the “Concierge” field/label is removed
  • If the Auto Email is Concierge and Active, then the Schedule field will show “Concierge”
  • Inactive Auto Emails will not display the Schedule field
  • The Concierge field‘s sequence has been changed to Unsent, Sent, Rejected

Email        #

When you email statistics, the Search Criteria caption will now show the full criteria you used to generate those stats.

Additional Bug Fixed #

Previously, the default Google Street View would display as a black screen for some listings. This is fixed.