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Matrix: Updates 06/07/2022

Here are the latest bug fixes in Greater Southern MLS Matrix, effective June 7th, 2022.

Agent Web Pages #

In Matrix, you can define a default map area for an Agent Web Page. We resolved an issue that disabled this option.

Auto Emails #

  • Auto emails no longer incorrectly send your contacts notifications about modified search criteria. Previously, Matrix would send clients emails after sending professional users a warning notification about a search that did not return any listings. The agent notifications said that the search’s associated auto email would expire soon if the agent did not renew it.
  • When you save an Auto Email and create a new contact, Matrix displays a warning message that the email does not have a “To” recipient. This message now disappears after you create the contact.
  • Matrix now properly saves your changes to the criteria of an auto email. Auto emails will accurately reflect the search results from your new criteria.
  • Auto Emails no longer exhibit a rare behavior where, in searches you modified, Matrix continued to send results based on old search criteria.
  • You can now select the “—more—” option in your contact list when saving an Auto Email without seeing an alert about an unspecified “To” email address.

Contacts #

Contacts now display the correct number of Favorited listings.

Listing Input #

The top portion of the input summary page for Incomplete listings now displays correctly.

OneHome Client Portal #

Portal links you sent to a contact prior to using OneHome would return errors after the links expired in Matrix. Those links now redirect the contact to OneHome.

Settings #

When agents upload an image for their “My Agent” page or other branding that is smaller than OneHome’s minimum size (500×500 pixels), OneHome will now place those images in the center of the frame.

Navigation #

You will no longer experience an issue where in some cases, mostly involving a browser zoom feature or text size set to display at a percentage other than 100%, Matrix displayed the top navigation bar menu options exclusively under a “More” menu.

Staff Email #

Matrix no longer sends error report emails to staff from an email address that appears to have invalid formatting.