Greater SouthernMLS core product Property Panorama’s latest update includes a new, modernized dashboard with quick access to all your most important listing tools, and it’s fully optimized for both mobile and desktop.

The left-hand navigation menu includes: #
- Dashboard: Your Home page
- Store: Digital store, InstaView subscriptions, ADtensify campaigns, and future products
- Account: Your personal contact information
- My Listings: Your active listings with InstaView virtual tours
- Statistics: Leads and stats captured by your InstaView virtual tours and digital portfolio
- Setting and Syndication: Manage automated social media syndication settings and email notification preferences
- Admin Dashboard: Available if your account is set as the office admin

Features Overview: #
Each feature appears in a “block” on your dashboard home page.
Digital Portfolio Block
- Visibility icon: An open eye icon indicates your digital portfolio is active and visible to consumers.
- Agent image and Company logo: Upload images in PNG or JPEG formats
- Promote: Leads to the option to purchase an ADtensify Agent Campaign
- Share: Copy link or share listing directly to social media
- Edit: Edit your digital portfolio
- Statistics: Digital portfolio statistics
- Information icon: Explains features of the digital portfolio

Store Block #
Another way to access the digital store, InstaView subscriptions, and ADtensify campaigns as well as see future products.

Listings Block #
Displays up to three of your most recent active listings and the option to View More Listings
- Listing Address
- MLS NumberVisibility icon
- Primary image
- Upgrade/Licensed: Indicates whether the virtual tour is upgraded
- Promote: Click to purchase and build ancampaign for that listing
- Share icon: Shows marketing materials available for your listing
- Edit icon: Includes the Tour Manager, a record of all changes to the branded InstaView virtual tour, and photo orders
- Statistics icon: Stats for the specific virtual tour
- PDF icon: Download or share the default PDF flyer for that listing

Block at the Bottom of the Screen: #
- Sharing & Social Media: Set up your social media syndication
- Custom Tour: Create custom virtual tours for co-listing agents
- Account Activity: Recent payments, upcoming renewals, and Property Panorama announcements

For more details, check out Property Panorama’s full video tour of these enhancements.